Translucent (2022)
“Translucent is a series of oil paintings looking at different aspects of my existence as a trans person and the sociopolitical lens that permeates through and examines every aspect of my person.
By putting a face to the often-maligned trans experience I hope to confront the viewer with the very humanity of those on the receiving end of political maneuvering and fearmongering.
As a queer artist I feel I have a unique perspective and privilege to help visualise aspects of this lived experience ,and to help forward social acceptance in our ever-changing world.”
-Sky Porter (2022)
Statement of intent
Just Let Me Piss
WM Oil On canvas
Self Empowered
WM Oil On canvas
Medical Incursion
WM Oil On canvas
Translucent ran from to 10th-24th May 2022 and was part of the Aberystwyth University Undergraduate Exhibition.